Welcome to Space-Filling-Curves.org

This website collects additional course material and also errata for the text book "Space-Filling Curves - An Introduction with Applications in Scientific Computing" by Michael Bader published in the series Texts in Computational Science and Engineering by Springer.
Course Material
The website is still a bit "under construction" - but in any case, I will strive to constantly add further material to this website. Algorithms presented in the book are, so far, available as
Corrections to the Book
- Section 7.2 (Morton Order): new version of Fig. 7.1 (corrects digits in the left plot)
- Section 7.3 (H-Index):
- new version of Fig. 7.5 (corrects two arrows)
- corrected H-index grammars: version 1 and version 2
- Section 8.1.2 (Arithmetisation of the 3D Hilbert Curve): corrected Hilbert operators (only concerns H3)
- Section 11.2.2 (Connectedness of Partitions): corrected version of Figure 11.4
- Section 13.3.1 (Block-Recursive Peano Matrix Multiplication): corrected version of Figure 13.5
- Section A.3 (Exercises): corrected solution of Exercise 3.2 (corrects productions for A and B)
Please let me know (email to Michael Bader) if you encounter any additional errors in the book - I will update the list on this website accordingly.